The agro scientists at the Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture Technology (CSAUT) have developed a new and highly nutritious variety of wheat - K-1006. Besides, being nutritious, it is also resistant to deadly diseases. As compared to the existing...
Pankaj Bajpai डॉ.आंबेडकर इंस्टीट्यूट, कानपुर के बायोटेक्नोलॉजी तृतीय वर्ष के 3 छात्रों ने प्रयोगशाला में आलू के स्टार्च से पॉलीथीन बनाने में  सफलता हासिल की। इसके लिए छात्रों ने आलू की कुछ खास किस्मों को अपने शोध में शामिल किया। ये किस्में...
G.P.VARMA The scientists t the Smart Materials Structures and Systems (SMSS) Lab at IIT- K have developed an inexpensive and portable device for guiding the Endotracheal Tube inside the human trachea, a prerequisite for the safe administration of general anaesthesia in...
Pankaj Bajpai सड़क पर आये दिन हो रही दुर्घटनाओं में न जाने कितनी जाने जा रही हैं। जिनमें सबसे ज्यादा घटनाओं में चालक के हेलमेट नहीं पहनें होने के कारण सिर पर चोट आ जाने से जान जाती है।वाहन चालक...
G.P. VARMA The street dogs are becoming aggressive. They are found attacking people quite frequently. Cases of dog bite especially in the areas where the slaughter houses existed re on increase. In several areas of different districts the number of...

Wall Paint from Cow dung

A senior professor of the Paint Technology department at the Harcourt Butler Technological University (HBTU) has developed technology of producing eco friendly wall paints from the cow dung. The innovator of the technology professor PK Kamani said that the efforts...
G.P.VARMAA study by the scientists of the Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJMU) Kanpur has raised questions over depleting fish population in the Ganga  in the city.The scientists claimed that  it was a threat to ecological balance of the river. Led by...
G.P.Varma If you love to have fresh and fertilizer free vegetables every day go for Tunnel Farming at your house. This is the simplest method of growing vegetables even in homes without land, soil and use of fertilizer. The tunnel farming...
G.P.VARMA There is big threat to aquatics in rivers. Water pollution in the rivers has reached at an alarming point as it has now started affecting aquatic life. Due to heavy pollution in Ganga and Yamuna number of species of...
G.P. Varma Students and teachers of the department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-K) have developed a wrist band which could detect the tremors and can differentiate it with the tremors of Parkinson’s...

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