Nutritious variety of wheat developed


The agro scientists at the Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture Technology (CSAUT) have developed a new and highly nutritious variety of wheat – K-1006. Besides, being nutritious, it is also resistant to deadly diseases.

As compared to the existing wheat varieties, the newly developed wheat variety is rich in iron, zinc and protein and is good for health.  The best thing is that it was resistant to deadly diseases. The Central Variety Release Committee has recommended it for sowing in Eastern plains.

The new variety wheat would ripe in 120 to 125 days and would ensure fifty to sixty Quintals yield per hectare.

The new variety wheat has 49.2 Parts per million (PPM) zinc, 45.4 PPM iron and 12.2% protein. So far the K-1317 wheat variety in use has 38.3 PPM Zinc,43.8 PPM iron and 12.25% protein, claimed the vice chancellor of the CSA University.

It is definitely good for health as it contains iron and zinc in required quantity. Zinc is helpful in improving the digestion system and controlling diabetes and tension says Professor at the GSVM Medical College Dr Vishal Gupta.

“Since it is rich in iron and zinc the wheat will help to increase hemoglobin and will protect user against eye diseases, poor nutrition and Alzheimer disease Dr Vishal says.