Saffron winged bat in Dudhwa Nationl Forest


It is amazing for visitors to see saffron winged bats in Dudhwa National Park.

The rare species of saffron winged bat was first noticed by team of researchers from Gurkul Kangari University. The three member team found a pair of “painted bat”. Its wings had bright saffron colour.

“The saffron winged bat looked very beautiful. Its chief food is insects. It is the most effective bird in maintaining environmental balance. It is a habitat of forests of South India. It is for the first time it was seen at Dudhwa,” said Dr Puspendra Verma one of the members of the three member research team.

The team also came across Long Tail Tree Mouse a native of Neelgiri Forests. The specie of the mouse was never seen in the forests of North India. The long tail tree mouse lives on trees instead of living in holes. They do not prefer living in residential areas, Pushpendra claimed.

The researchers were startled to learn from the keeper of the Dudhwa National Park under Sonipur Range that they had noticed an eighty five years old rare Red Coral Snake in the forest on February 19, 2019. Prior it was seen in the year 1936. TEurasian Sparrow-hawk,he rare species of snake is here but it is difficult to trace it,” said the park keepers.

The keepers claimed that the park has become the centre of attraction for many of the migratory birds. These birds from Himalayan range migrated to plains during winter season. But they never came to Dudhwa earlier.

During bird’s census in January 2019 it was noticed that a large number of migratory birds staying here during winter season. A few of the important birds were Maroon Oriole,  Paradise  Flycatcher and Peregrine falcon.


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