G.P. VARMAKanpur, August 19, 2021:In a path-breaking initiative, IIT Kanpur announced setting up of a Centre aimed at a seamless integration of students from Hindi and Other Indian Languages (OILs) background in the socio-academic milieu of the prestigious institute. Indian...
Prof. Ashok Kumar The scientists of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT-K) have developed Bio-Artificial Liver (BAL) as an extracorporeal device which can be used for treating patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACL) where liver transplantation still remains the...
G. P. VARMAKanpur, September 10, 2021: The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and the Indian Air Force have joined hands in their endeavour to build robust technologies both in the academic and research front in the domain of Aerospace...
चंद्रशेखर आजाद कृषि एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय कानपुर के कुलपति डॉक्टर डी.आर.सिंह द्वारा वैज्ञानिकों को जारी निर्देश के क्रम में विश्वविद्यालय के गृह विज्ञान महाविद्यालय के खाद्य विज्ञान एवं पोषण विभाग की एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर डॉ विनीता सिंह ने जामुन एवं...
G.P.VARMA There is big threat to aquatics in rivers. Water pollution in the rivers has reached at an alarming point as it has now started affecting aquatic life. Due to heavy pollution in Ganga and Yamuna number of species of...
G.P. VarmaKanpur (UP) February 12 An internship program organized at IIT Kanpur for the Jammu and Kashmir students on Friday. In his inaugural address Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director, IIT Kanpur said the IIT Kanpur has organized this program in association...
G P VARMAKanpur February, 26 : The Faculty Cricket Club at IIT Kanpur has organized a hard-ball T20 cricket tournament in the memory of Late Prof. D Yadav (retired from the Department of Aerospace Engineering) at the ACEs Cricket...
G.P.VARMAA study by the scientists of the Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJMU) Kanpur has raised questions over depleting fish population in the Ganga  in the city.The scientists claimed that  it was a threat to ecological balance of the river. Led by...
G.P Varma The environmentalists feel that there are five ways to keep air unpolluted and fit for breathing. The facts came to light during a extensive study of air pollution in Delhi. The Union Government  had asked an environmental scientist at the...
G.P. VARMAKanpur, February 25, 2022: A team of researchers led by Dr. Santosh K Misra, and Piyush Kumar from the Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering has developed a Novel Nanoparticle-based Bio-Degradable-Carbonoid-Metabolite (BioDCM) that can protect agricultural crops from...

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