Women’s Day-a new commitment to hope

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Dr.Rupal Agarwal

The International Women’s Day with a theme message of “Balance for Better” was celebrated on March 8. It is nice, to have such a special day exclusively for women to acknowledge their contributions and to glorify their humble efforts for establishing their individual identity in the society.

But how long this glorification lasts? Despite salutations to their power, their contributions to the nation, society and family and their indomitable spirit they are denied an equal status with their counterparts-the men. They are treated as second to men and are given the status of a second grade partner in all ventures.

However, this is not new. Since generations a feeling is inculcated among them that they are not capable of doing most of the things especially the challenging things.  Almost in all countries, the status of women is questioned again and again. Women keep consoling themselves that everything is fine but actually it is not so.

Despite the fact that many of the women all over the globe hold high offices and the governments guarantee equal rights to them. But in practice more than half of them have to face discrimination at every step. They are subjected to heinous crimes, domestic violence and threats to their person on several counts in day to day life.

Year 2018 that sparked off the #Me too campaign after the Harvey Weinstein Scandal in US, inspired most of the victim women to expose those who are in the film and TV Industry, Corporate sector and also in the Media houses.  who put them under physical, mental and sexual harassments.

Through this campaign, women broke their silence and raised their voice against sexual assaults committed upon them. They showed that they were not just the puppets. They are more powerful and independent than before. They are carving a niche every field, yet the issue of gender parity needed new approach.

A survey conducted in 2017 revealed that despite all awareness about raising the women status it would take another one hundred years to meet gender balance in the country which has a lower percentage of women in the workforce as compared to the global average. This is due to biased attitude of the society and  of the families towards girls.

The biased attitude is reflected in educating a girl child, providing health care and giving freedom of decision making to her. Even after getting higher education and higher positions they are still supposed to follow the dictates of the males in their family.

But for making any country a balanced and better place to live, one would have to shun the “son biased” attitude and have to ensure equal opportunities to daughters from the very beginning for developing them into a perfect personality to enable them walk into a balanced and better society.

The theme of International Women’s Day 2019 is grounded in the idea of an exciting future where women expected gender parity, recognition of their abilities as decision makers and resolute partners.


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