Breathe unpolluted air with newly developed nasal filter

G.P Varma

The scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-K) have developed a nasal filter to check the smallest pollutants in the air during breathing process.

The filter aimed at combating the menace of growing pollution and the respiratory diseases caused by pollutants in the air, claims the developer of the nasal filter Ravi Pandey and Santosh Pramanik.

The nasal filter developed at IIT-Kanpur stands apart from all because it is the only one of its kind which works on both micro as well as nano scale for filtering pollutants from entering our respiratory system.

 The filter consisted of several micro-pillars as a primary defense that trap the larger pollutants at 10-6 scale including the PM 2.5 particles. The filter also consisted of several nano-mats as a second filter to trap smaller particles which are of 10-9size.

 “Unlike existing filters, this device does not require any face strap and or insertion of the filter into the nostrils. Instead it is kept in place by a strip of silicon which adheres, without any irritation or difficulty, to the mask wearer’s skin.”

“The filter also has the advantage of being antibacterial – the internal grooving and cavity of the device has been designed to hold 70% ethyl alcohol gel for the continuous sensitization of internal housing of nasal filter from growing bacteria,” Pandey and Santosh claimed.

The developers have now filed an Indian patent application titled “Antibacterial Nanotechnology Based Nasal Air Filter for Breathing” and they are also in touch with investors to bring this technology to the market soon.


  1. अत्यंत उपयोगी , स्वांस रोगियों के लिए वरदान साबित होगा

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