Producing electricity using cow-dung


It is a story of a student of law who took up dairy business instead of taking up legal practice. He also innovated, an idea of generating electricity, using cow-dung, which was disposed of treating as waste.

The innovator Sunil Gupta after completing LLB ( Bachelor of Law Course) in 2014 decided to set up his own dairy farm in his village Maholi in Bidhnu (UP), instead of becoming a practicing advocate. He obtained a loan of rupees 1.25 crores for purchasing the buffaloes under the Kamdhenu Scheme of the Government.

“I purchased one hundred buffaloes of good breed from Haryana and Punjab. Within a period of three years my turnover went up to rupees one crore per annum”, he said.

“However I remained worried about the disposal of the cow- dung. After deep deliberations, I decided to set up a Gobar Gas Plant (Plant for Gas from cow-dung) for generating electricity. After consulting the proposal with the engineers I got installed a 15 KV transformer for generating power from cow dung and started the power generating process.”

“The venture proved to be very successful. The generated power not only catered to the needs of the dairy but it was also used for street lights in the village”, he added.

“About twenty families of the village use the gas generated power to cook their food as uninterrupted power is available for 12 to 14 hours,” he claimed.

He said that the cost of the Gobal Gas plant was around rupees 16 lakhs.

“My next venture is to reuse the waste of the Gobar Gas Plant for producing bio fertilizer,” he said.