NSI to assist three countries in setting up high tech Sugar Institute

G.P Varma

The National Sugar Institute (NSI) would assist Nigeria in setting up of a high tech sugar institute there to educate and train the students in sugar technology.

According to the director of the NSI Professor Narendra Mohan the National  Sugar Development Council (NSDC) of Nigeria has sought assistance from NSI for setting up a high tech institute for imparting education in sugar technology and training to the manpower for the Sugar factories.

The NSDC has also sought cooperation in conducting short term courses there for the sugar technologists till the arrangements for proper training could not be made there. “An eight member team from Nigeria would visit the NSI in the end of February to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with NSI.

Besides, Sugar Research Institute (SRI) of Sri Lanka has also sought the help of NSI for revamping its closed or loss incurring sugar mills and to set up a sugar institute tee.” Sri Lanka wanted a ten years MoU with NSI but the MoU would be signed after the sanction of the government was received.

Similarly Bangla Desh has approached for restarting the closed sugar mills there. A team of three experts headed by me would visit the sugar mills there next month and would finalize the program of restarting the mills.

At present NSI had been providing consultancy services to sugar industries of  more than a dozen of countries including Kenya, Ethopia, Burma, Thailand, Nepal, Bangla Desh and other countries.