Unique e-group launched for Women Exporters


The Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) launched Indian Women Exporter e-Group on its FIEO Globallinker platform on the occasion of the International Women’s Day in New Delhi on March 8.

Launching the e-Group, Dr Ajay Sahai, Director General and CEO, FIEO said that this was a unique e-group for the women irrespective of the fact if they are established entrepreneurs,  start-ups, artisans, house-wives or young women planning to start some business of their own.

All categories of women exporters’ in the group can share their experiences, queries, seek clarification, guidance on policy matters related to international trade..

Dr Sahai urged every woman to be a part of this group and make the most of it through regular interaction. FIEO will make available its export promotion programs, provide policy updates, changes in tariff, market access requirements in the group, Dr Sahai added.

A large number of women entrepreneurs, artisans, women exporters shared their success stories providing much encouragement to many women participant present at the function.