Sexual abuse of children: Safety “Umbrella” kit developed

Domestic violence

G.P Varma

Concerned over the growing incidences of child abuse the students at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Kanpur) have developed a unique kit for the children to make them aware of the sexual abuse. The Institute has also got patent rights of the kit named as “Umbrella”.The Kit Umbrella which has informative material in English language has also been translated into Hindi and is named as “Kaka”. Efforts are afoot to make it in other languages also.

Several states including the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights has contacted the Institute for obtaining the kit said the patent officer at the Indian Patent Rights (IPR). 

The institute is considering to provide the kit to all schools free of cost. Several schools and the Non Government Organizations (NGOs) have come forward to opt the kit.The kit was made for the children of three age groups including children up to eight years, from eight years to ten years and eleven years to thirteen years.  

The kit has audio visual literature, playing cards, cartoons, fun games, videos and stories which aimed at telling the children about the “good touch” and “bad touch” by the people elder to them so that the child could know the intention of the person and he could tell his parents and teachers about the person showing affection to him. 

The kit material would also guide the children as how and in what manner could they oppose a person with wrong intentions. The kit would guide the parents as how should they deal with the children in making them aware against the sexual abuses by anyone. The kit “Umbrella” has been developed by a team of five students including Apoorva Agarwal, Mitali Bhasin, Sachin, Sneha Parahi, Swayamsidh Pani grahi led by a professor Jhumki Sengupta.