National Sugar Institute signs MOU with NRDC


For commercialization of the technologies developed by the National Sugar Institute, a memorandum of Undersatnding (MOU) was signed between National Sugar Institute, Kanpur and National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), New Delhi.

The MOU was signed by the Director of NSI Prof. Narendra Mohan  and  the Chairman and Managing Director of NRDC H Purshottam in the presence of  Ravikant, Secretary ,Food and Public Distribution, Government of India and  Suresh Vashishtha, Joint Secretary (Sugar).

AS per the MoU the NRDC will market the technologies developed by the National Sugar Institute within the country and in abroad. The income owing to commercialization shall be shared between NSI and NRDC in the ratio of 70:30.

The NRDC will also extend its assistance to institute in filing patent application in India and abroad for the technologies developed by the Institute.

The commercialization of the newer technologies would help the sugar and allied industries in produced value added products. It would also be possible for the sugar industry to produce superior quality sugar and lower cost by adopting the innovative technologies, said Ravikant.

The director of NSI Narendra Mohan said that taking the technology from lab to land would be helpful in improving the overall productivity and profitability of the sugar units.